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About the project

Bridging Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) and Crime and Violence Prevention (CVP) is a project principally focused  on the analysis of, and convergence between, violent extremism and other forms of youth violence and criminal activity. However, it also analyzes other global issues such as conflict, politics, and economics. Much emphasis is placed on the importance of gender and social inclusion in all our analyses. 


Our mission is to explore, analyze, and explain issues from a fresh and accessible perspective, while maintaining academic rigor.


We hope you enjoy our project, and please let us know if you would like to be part of this effort.




Carlos Munoz Burgos


Carlos is a citizen security and conflict reduction specialist with more than 15 years of experience. He has managed several multimillion, USG-funded citizen security and youth violence prevention projects in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as in North Africa. He has designed and written successful proposals, projects, evaluations, and studies for donors, academic institutions, and international organizations. Carlos has presented on youth violence prevention at international forums and academic institutions, and has been consulted on violent extremism and crime and violence prevention by diplomatic missions, think tanks, nongovernmental organizations, and governments. He has provided support to governments in the development of national crime and violence prevention plans and policies, as well as in recommending prisoner rehabilitation and reinsertion strategies. An enthusiast for research, he has received awards and grants for his work, including the Harold Davis Memorial Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Latin American Studies. He holds an MS in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from George Mason University and a BA in Economics and in International Studies from American University.


©2018 by Bridging CVE and CVP.

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